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Title Artist Time


  • If you’ve heard one LOG song

    By V8 Thrasher
    You’ve pretty much heard them all. Cool tunes, but come on guys…
  • Hmm

    By RealHelion
    Seams like everything they have written since Ashes is geared towards a catchy chorus. A little music. Chorus. Rinse. Repeat. Boring. They were better when they just jammed and you couldn’t understand the lyrics well. If it was preaching you couldn’t tell. It never sounded the same. Now they just sound like a heavy Nickleback. I don’t feel like I could fight an army listening to them now. The new stuff will eventually be able to play on oldies rock some time in the future. Not the older stuff. Sigh.
  • Lamb of God

    By RAtilbert
    Real music
  • SAME

    By Bloodspill77
    same old, you already heard it basically.