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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Wheres laid to rest?

    By SAM2468
    Awesome song, awesome video but wheres the laid to rest video? That one's still my favorite lamb of god video.
  • Lamb of god

    By Josh Jefferson
    Simply put an amazing song! Nothing compares to seeing them live. I went to see them in st louis and it was the best show i had ever seen before!
  • um, no

    By caseytsmith12
    i dissagree strongley with this song being listed as rock
  • *sigh*

    By hostile ben
    not enough screaming, to much singing, beats sound too much like redneck, no where near as heavy as they used to. when i got their new album i hoped for a bunch of songs sounding like black label and a few original ones. i didnt get anything close to what i wanted :(
  • I like the song way more now!

    I only thought this song was ok. But the music vid changed that! Its still the video i give 5 stars though... Its still not their best song but its way better! I also thought the black and white was just going to make this a cheep video. But man it made it way better! They also grew out their hair more! Which is kinda cool but i liked it better before.. For the most part this is great! LoGs best video! Now itunes the only thing is please get Laid to Rest video! Its sweet and i want it! (Alough i think i like this video better.) I love it and it will make the song more of a hit again! But untill then get this! Its worth it! You wont be sorry!
  • Sounds like everything else

    By quartshy
    You hear one song from this genre and you've heard them all. Can't these guys do anything new?
  • Great Album

    By There #2
    As far as the album goes it is pretty good, not sure why so many log fans dont like it, ive been listening to them since new american, and i enjoy it, as far as the video, its a cool black in white jam out, nothing crazy, redneck is the best vid they have made.
  • Name a band that can bring it like this......

    By Oketree
    Apparently, the clown that wrote the review of "Wrath" for Rolling Stone never listened to it. I first heard this track on Sirius Octane, and I almost had to pull over. Hit rewind at least 8x. Ridiculous.
  • Ummmm....

    By pamkeat
    Is.... he throwing up? Because I think he was throwing up when he recorded this or somethinggg... Creepy.... I mean, I like dark music, too, but I think this is metal with barf on it. I don't think his mother loved him enough or something. He doesn't seem to happy! Next time, keep your lunch INSIDE your stomach rather than out when you record a song.
  • Pure American Metal

    By 555 to the 666
    There is no band that can do it better than lamb of god.