Pure american metal
By Warboar
Lamb of God is at the forefront of the new wave of American heavy metal. Not to say that Metallica and Anthrax are not still out there raging, but metal has progressed and bands like Lamb of God and Slipknot are cutting the edge. This is a great song, and the video is funny. And at the end everyone runs in fear, but the one girl who is not a sheeple is watching and getting blown away just like I do when I hear LoG.
Not for sheep.
By Hat39
broadwaychic17: Don't like it? Don't listen. Don't watch. And if someone forced you to do something, you're a weak human being. This band is from my home town and they play amazing metal. Great song, great video.
By AidanMReviews
I love the song, classic Lamb Of God, but the video...
All I can say is that the dad should've sticked with him playing the guitar.
By Stevie Wes
Are you serious? Im pretty sure a person's intelligence isnt determined by the type of music he or she listens to. Dont tell me why a person shouldnt like this type of music. Music allows a person to put their own emotion, imagination, and beliefs into a song, a person likes music for many reasons. Its a release. Im not an idiot or insane, im not loud and testosterone poisoned or whatever. If you dont like it dont listen to it dont buy their music. Lamb of God has also been around for over 10 years and have a big and loyal fan base. Metal has some of the most dedicated fans i have ever seen. Tell me how many people around the world listen to broadway? That right maybe a handfull of people around the world.
Gotta Love it
By Uuuhhh_me
This song is beastly, in regards to those (such as the previous reviewer) who finds themself above others because of their musical tastes are ignorant in the fact that they won't even try to see the meaning behind this song. On top of which, to insult the intelligence of us fans is quite comical in the fact that I would bet money that my intelligence far exceeds theirs considering I can see the very blatant meaning and they can't. Seriously, if someone decides to write a review on a song/music video they don't even like just to insult fans, just shows how pathetic they are (the previous reviewer is the epitome of this songs meaning) and what little life they have. This song is awesome, the band is very talented, and the music video, though funny, has a good connection to the song. Upon reading the preceding comment I just had to point out the connection made between the lyrics and the previous reviewer. The meaning in this song is obvious and just goes to show how hypocritical people are (I.E. the previous reviewer) when they make statements with such ignorant and uneducated statements. So to those of you who want to write a critical review, make sure you know what the h*ll you're talking about.
Stop crying
By spaded_7
If you don't like lamb of god then shut up and stop looking it up on itunes because no one cares to hear your bs rants on how you don't like it. Obviously you have some issues and you need to stop taking it out on lamb of god. Oh yeah before they were lamb of god they were burn the priest. They stand against the perversion of religion by man. Go listen to your jesus music and put a lid on it.
Must buy.
By Livingspeedbump
I love this music video. Redneck isnt even one of my favorite lamb of god songs, but the video is so good i had to buy it. Some people take things way to seriously on here, seriously. Its nice to see a metal band not take everything so seriously and just have a good time with a funny video. A+ to lamb of god for this one.
To the lady bashing LOG and their fans
By sk8LIFE8ks
How in the hell does listening to this genre of music make us unintelligent and possibly insane? We all have our preferences on every little thing imaginable, so if we like to throw down to some pure american death metal, what's it to you? If you really think listening to the metal genre makes us unintelligent you have sorely misunderstood the human race. Please reply back so i can prove all of your theories wrong.
Love it
By Jakelilje
Funny as hell
By Ghgisme
Funny but a good song