By lilno1
why isnt this on an album
Let’s go Blueface!
By zeezyyyyyyyy
Idk why y’all so upset about Blueface his part war FIRE
Blue face baby lol um it’s ok but your song almost famous is 🔥💥☄️!!!!
They both killed the track.
By JohnTheBomb12345678
I think they both killed the beat. People need to stop hating.
It’s ok
By 583827738
Clean Version????
By showbiz1906
iTunes for the life of me and others, PLEASE OFFER CLEAN VERSIONS OF SONGS as an option! Not everybody wants to listen to explicit lyrics!
The Beat is 🔥
G Eazy just know that you did great, your part was lit AF and the beat was sick! You are an amazing artist. Maybe a remix is needed to keep this sick beat going longer but with a different featured rapper. 👍🏼
The beat is FiRE
By D.C.Morris
By Marathoner26pt2
Two different sounds; both 🔥AF
By Yogibearjavier69
G eazy just litty cmon y’all stop hating this is a total banger .!