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Title Artist Time


  • 2009

    By Boxcuter
    Stoned gentlemen.
  • Solid Album

    By GrayMason
    Sounds just like old Wiz and Curren$y, If you fw that chill vibe this is def for you
  • Wiz & Curren$y

    By Mr. C. Freeman
  • Not bad 👍👍👍👍

    By Bailey Bo$$
    2009 by Wiz Khalifa and Curren$y was a good mixtape or album or whatever kind of project it is. I’ve never really listened to anything by Curren$y before, he wasn’t bad and Wiz Khalifa always delivers. There’s some classic bangers on here like Getting Loose, which features Problem and Garage Talk. Those were defiantly the best tracks on here rest of the project wasn’t bad. It’s better than most of the music out right now. I would recommend it for any fan of real hip hop and any stoners who like rap music.
  • Wiz is back! Curren$y... ehhh

    By JefeRhodes
    Glad to hear Wiz is back to spitting bars! Curren$y was pretty painful at times but I’ll take that trade off.
  • Took a few listens

    By BRISCOE11
    First time I wasn’t feeling it but now I love it
  • Jet life

    By Nicoya75
  • 2009

    By My cat rump
    They have grown as artist so some of the stuff they talk about is a little different from how fly but we can’t expect them to stay the same. Overall chill album nothing to hype nothing to soft was a decent album I enjoyed the 2009 concert and if you like Wiz & Curren$y then you’ll love this album as well.
  • Good album if you not into mumble rap

    By Shawn Alcazar
    Their are 7-8 tracks you can put on repeat all day and vibe to. That’s a lot of hits. The album overall has good flow and you can listen to the entire album all the way through without really having to skip tracks. Solid 8.5/10
  • Please know your rap

    By chiccin_fool
    If you have anything negative to say about this album....one you don’t know real rap...two you probably listen to this new garbage that they call rap now.