By jramirez20793
That music video was taken at Pomona ca at a swat-meet.
why explicit?!?
By xoxo Haiz💜
By HistoryDude1238
Hey lets smoke pot and get drunk! What a future. I wonder if Snoop want his children to smoke pot in school instead of going on to college and actually having a life. Everybody can’t be Snoop. Totally irresponsible message to teens. This song is CRAP!
One thing before I die...
By 5SecondsOfBananas
I was inspired by a song to smoke pot and weed! Dont worry mom and dad! Snoop dog taught me this! Its just to have fun!
By Swaaggy butt
This song a great song its a good i dont care song
Love this song
By Swag master sky
This is my favorite song i love it
yeeeeeaaaaahhhh im jamming!!!!
By alexgirl126
this is a awesome song i would recondmend this to people who love jamming out (like me.)
love in me
By jucie fruit1
love the song it helps me on a bad day when i am down in the blues or just sad
By howen327
cool beans
the truth about love
By officedepo
i agree with Wright lover kids bop hater. Thank you for the coment.