⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Queen Nicki is the BEST 👑
By Kem Denise
This album speaks volumes to my soul and through my speakers - Orgasmic 💫
Nicki’s best album!!
By La Pineita
10 years later and this album still gives me chills. This is Nicki’s magnum opus 🎀 songs are so personal and well written. Her vocals are amazing too
Her Best Album
Nicki the goat female rapper of the past 15 years
10 years later and this album still hits
By Jus TJ
This album came out when I was in highschool and I’m just like man oh man the era this was and the music that came from it def a time where you had to be to experience the fullness of how raw and in depth she got with this body of work
Minaj’s best album !
By Joeex77
This is Nicki’s best album to date ! Her vulnerability in this album is insane.
L O V E U O N I K A 🩷
By Baby.rena
still listen this most of these songs daily!
Queen of Rap
By tegothemega03
Banger as expected from the Queen
This music is fabulous!
By Kamrynnns
I love the way the songs go hand and hand. This album feels like the songs speak directly to me, they say something that everyone on this earth needs to be heard. And the album cover is just pure beauty and perfection. 🥰
Nicki is mother
By StupidxTy
I feel like she really put her soul into this album & esp shanghai #whenwebangbypoppillslikeweshanghai YUH!!
This Album
By Twiin Riollano
So many hits that will hit for a long time!!!!