By ErikTT
Its Nicki Minaj... She made this song
By kbarocco
Pretty awesome..
By AbuzaSarutobi
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another typo
By Weezydrizzybaby
Featuring "Nickie" Minaj? Fix your typos itunes!!
kinda ?
By Chip tha ripper
live in cleveland love ATL MUSIC. nothin better than some southern rap.sorry, not a big fan of this one but keep tryin.
Gucci Mane = Best Featured Rapper
By DJ YohnnyT
Gucci Mane killed it with his signature flow and dazzling vocals. He's up there with Lil Wayne for best featured rapper in the biz. The only way to make this song better would be to have T-Pain sing the hook.
By xxhelloooooxx
better then lil wayne can do lil wayne not that good. and it has my my favorite rapper which is trina and nicki is great too
5 stars
By Paranoid Freak
Real hip hop
Great song
By LA Life
Great song
By aybrobro
This song is great. Especially if your a fan if women rappers, Nicki Minaj's verse is very good and it really shows her rapping style, it's very theatrical but in a creative way. Yo Gotti just upgraded the whole song with the remix. Gucci Mane's verse was standard, but the song is still great, nontheless. It's definitely worth the money, and it is a great club-banger.