Greatest Rock Album Of All Time
By who cares?????????????????????
A squadron of heavy hitting rock standards, with songs to kick your backside and others to break your heart, while some do both. No other album has this many monster rock songs backed up by some of the most beautiful songs by any group ever. For anyone who disagrees, there's four guys on the cover who have a little something for ya.
The who such a great
By let your Mem shine
I love the who so much they are such are great band they make feel like getting up and stomping my feet
By Blue1975520
But I came for baba o’ Riley.
One star for terrible mix of a good album
By Strwbryflds
Apparently "Mastered for iTunes" means turning up the bass and removing all treble, so it sounds like you're listening to it underwater
One of the best rock albums of all time
By iPhone4tom
It's been over 40 years since the release of this album and it still holds up and it's as relivant or more relivant today than when it was first released. Pete wrote a brilliant collection of songs that hold togethermagnificently, and the boys were in top form. It's one classic song to the next finishing with the finishing anthem, Won't get fooled again, to complete their opus. Rolling Stone has it at number 28 of the all time best 100 Albums, it belongs higher than that, there is no question.