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  • Amazing record

    By Gminnj
    I don't review stuff here (or anywhere), but I just can't get enough of this album. I play it all the way through, just like we did in the '70s & '80s. There's not a bad track on it. This guy is ridiculously talented... Now headed for his back catalogue.
  • Loving the return to form for this album.

    By CharlesTaylor
    I think this is his best album in quite some time. Enjoying almost every song so far.
  • Yep... I like it alot

    By tiginbna
    Once again Cartersville GA native Bradley Glenn (Butch) Walker has put out a collection of masterfully written tunes, that have the sparkle of an eighties soft rock record, but maintain the grittiness of the singer songwriter milieu he is known for. From the bouncy, "Spade-ish era Stay Gold, to the Jersey Seaside sound of East Coast Girl and Ludlow Expectations, through the vaguely east coast beachy (horn filled) Mexican Coke to the final 3 tracks of bad decisions, forlorn love, and melancholy remembrance this record took me on a ride. It has been on regular rotation since I got the first download. For me it fits solidly between Sycamore Meadows and The Spade, with a little more Springsteen, Jackson Brown, and a touch of Elvis Costell thrown in for good measure. I highly reccomend if you are even a casual fan. A big fan should not miss the live show.
  • Stay Gold Record LP

    By Wellerberg
    My introduction to Butch Walker was The Spade. I vaguely remember the Marvelous 3. But I think The Spade was the best album of 2011. So it was strange to explore his albums from that jumping off point because nothing else sounded remotely like it. And I discovered that he was not nearly as raucous and rowdy as that album led me to believe. Has a ton of ballads and very somber songs that are not really my thing. Not to say they're bad but I just don't sit around listening to that type of stuff a lot. So I've been waiting for another album similar to the one that hooked me and looks like I finally got it. At first I wasn't overly fond of the talk verses on East Coast Girl but it grew on me and the title track is "gold". There isn't a clunker in the bunch except Record Store, to me. Irish Exit is my favorite of all the tracks. I could listen to the Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh's part of the verse on repeat. The lyrics are great throughout. Funny, nostalgic, sad, romantic. Production is great. Lots of electric guitars out front. I wish more albums were like this in the day and age of soft pop hip hop synthesized top 40. It's all hooky rock with a southern tint and it is excellent. I never would have thought that a guy with a guitar singing about girls would be "unique" but it is today and it is refreshing. Must own.
  • Butch is the man. Great writer.

    By 18Below
    Good stuff my friend. Awesome.
  • Love him

    By loveevol46
    I love Walker's sound! It doesn't really sound like anything on the awful radio. It has a rock/country sound. Great to just roll down the windows down a back road.
  • wicked

    By daywoo79
    soo good. awesome album. also def check out the live show- I've seen butch numerous times over the years and this tour by far has been my favorite.. Suzanne Santo on strings and vocal is out of this world good! she brings incredible depth to the live show. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ
  • I Love it!!

    By MamaDeeder
    OMG this guy is just so talented, I have listened to this album 3 times in a row, never heard of him till BJ Barham introduced me to his music thru social media..I'm a fan!!!
  • Butch Wants To Be A Hipster

    By secreature
    I got this album and I will say it sounds a lot better than that last album he put out "Afraid Of Ghosts." That album was just boring. With Stay Gold, he kicks it up a little. The first two songs do start off the record with a good kick, great guitar tones and energy. It just loses its momentum by the middle of the record. Mexican Coke sounds like "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out" by Bruce Springsteen. Overall this album sounds like if Bruce Springsteen and John Cougar Mellencamp made an album together in 1987.
  • Polished

    By ScottyOSMR
    This dude gets better with age. Another album with amazing writing and production.