By Splungy43
Undertale has consumed my life lately. The plot, well-timed jokes, and complete and utter awesomeness of the soundtrack had me in tears at several points.
I've been listening to remixes for a while, trying to find something that replicates the feeling I had when playing this game for the first time. I had come close with a few, but never has one hit me so close to home as this one did.
This combines all my favorite songs in a crushingly awesome, goose bump-inducing five minutes. Never has a track had me so close to tears, yet smiling at the same time. Voia, you are a very talented person. This track is able to combine all my thoughts, feels, and my very soul in a nice little feels-inducing present.
Thank you, Gamechops for when I stumbled across this miracle on Youtube. Most of all, thank you Voia for making me feel complete listening to this track.
I strongly urge anyone who has a love of this fantastic game to stop what you are doing, sit down for five minutes, and listen to this song. I promise I won't steer you wrong.