By fibrizo
I love this video, it's the perfect compliment to the song. This is the world we need to work for, so that next little boy who thinks he might be gay (because he's actually had crushes on other boys, not because he's tidy or can draw!) has no reason to cry or worry.
Against my beliefs.
By olm167
This song isn’t even popular anymore. It’s against my beliefs, and I’m proud of that.
By MerrieGail
Incredible song, moving video. Keep it up, M & RL!
Brave, Beautiful and Melodic
By QzeQze
Fresh song, meaningful video, and a shot in the arm for Hip Hop.
By Sczvr
This isn't real rap, idk why it's even in the rap section. Smh
So powerful...
By Skink dude
I love this song. It is carries such a powerful meaning. Whenever I'm sad I watch this video to remind me that even though there are a lot of terrible things in the world there will always be a few people or things to make it a world worth living in.
Same Love
By Gorgeousgirl37
I this the song has it a lot of meaning to it ,and I enjoyed hearing you at Jingle Ball. I love this song much that it made me cry just hearing it with joy......
By Hannaheliz11
Being part of the LGBT community, this song strikes a raw nerve. Hearing it the first time, I broke into tears. The words are depressingly beautiful and I can't help but wipe my eyes when I hear it. This song saved my life and gave me hope when I thought there was none left. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, you have opened the eyes of millions of people into seeing the truth. You have given a push to a future where there will be no more sleepless nights of wondering if you're really worth it anymore and not hiding in a shell of yourself. Although there are people who might disagree, you two are the faces of a brighter tomorrow. Thank you.
By Frozenglacier
So what I am Catholic. So what I am straight. So what I am only almost thirteen. This song has a lot of meaning to me. Your religion should not limit love. Restraining and hiding love is like trying to escape dying when you are chained to the ground and the knife is heading straight for you. Love is not wrong, no matter who you love. The Bible says love your enemies. You already love your family and you love your friends (if you cannot stay mad at someone more then three days you love them) whether you realize it or not. Love is not hindered by race, nor heritage, nor the way you talk, nor where you have been, nor what you have done. Even a criminal has someone who loves them. Do not be ashamed of who you love. Love is not tangible that you can lasso and keep to yourself in your zoo. No one will truly ever understand it. Love stops at nothing and for no one. Why are "gays" descriminated? Everyone has the same rights, the same rules. There are no rules to love. Everyone should love each other. Being homosexual should not be weird. It is different than what is "normal". But remember there is no standard normal. No one will ever be the same on the inside. Even being straight, I strongly believe your life is YOUR OWN CHOICE. You choose your fate. I am not saying go out there and love the same sex. No. Just love who you love. That's all there is to it.
Thanks for your support same-sex LOVE/Marriage!
By Appointment at the Bar
I just learned of this song on Xmas with my partner & friends! I was speechless watching this video & the beautiful lyrics. I can't tell you enough how much this means to everyone whether homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. LOVE IS LOVE regardless of orientation. Must buy!
Those of you taking the time to name call need to listen to the lyrics before leaving the typical remarks. Those against another person(s) happiness or LOVE has nothing to do with them but more about yourself. Think before leaving hate!