By bx2mt...
just watched video n wow!!! raw, emotional, powerful. she killed this video n song get em girl!!!
By Ballkilla
She's so beautiful and talented and this video has such raw emotion. LOVE IT!
By xoqueenxo
WOW! When I first saw this I was in tears! I felt like I went through this emotional cleansing and really made me think about what we are living for. Even though I thought she was going to have a crazy creative video like Many Moons, this video is just as BEAUTIFUL! She kept it so simple as if it was just her giving her all like accept me as I am and I love that about Janelle!. Gorgeous video! I wouldn't want it any other way. It's so INSPIRATIONAL! I LOVE IT! BUY!!!
Best singer of the year
By Dinozavrobites
Super video! Super song! Janelle you rule the world! I love you!