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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • I wish I could give it a 0

    By 🌐word worlds🌐
  • Yaaas

    By Matt D. L.
    Fun vibes; the choreography 👏🏼; simplicity - which I generally like It's a catchy song too.
  • YouTube

    By Over the rain bow 1245576 2014
    If you bought this video then just watch it on YouTube before you buy it. That is what I do.
  • =)

    By KkySal
    XD Britney did it again!!!!! I love tis song it is SO catchy! :) like the dancing also. So muscular……
  • WOW!!!

    By imochalov
  • Terrible

    By Care01
  • Britney is known for what she is'

    By Mojohn13
    Britney is a girl who wanted to be fames. And she got it. Why Because she's a a some performer. And the best that we ever seen so far you guys think that. She's fames for doing bad stuff so what it's Britney Spears toxic me against the music slave prerogative that's what's she's known for nobody doesn't have the spark the way she does when she is on there it's like she's in controll look its almost 2014 and nobody just ad a little chance just to beat her she's number 1 wheat her you like it or not
  • Britney....

    By Natascha-CB
    Do the world a big favor and put on some clothes. Kids watch this. And also STOP MAKING CRAPPY SONGS ALL THE TIME YOU ARE LIKE 40 AND YOU MAKE THESE DISGUSTING SONGS I THINK JESUS NEEDS TO HELP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what I'm trying to say is Britney stop being a jerk
  • Best of Britney

    By iCaleb
    This is a classic britney song and video! Britney is flawless. I think it's funny that other women are so jealous of her gorgeous body that they criticize her sexy outfits. Instead of complaining, hit the gym!
  • :-/

    By Kittykritic
    Love this song. It's disappointing that she couldn't have been a little more clothed but I guess that is her persona. Good dancing in some parts.