Bien Hecho Kany !!!!!!!
By Panet
Absolutely fabulous!!!! Me alegro que lo has hecho de nuevo! Estoy a carcajada! Valla!!!
A truly talented lady!!!
By jcfelici
This video it's amazing... you'll laugh a LOT. If you don't speak Spanish, it doesn't matter, because the video will tell you what she's saying! It is well done... for those who think it may offense, well it doesn't at all! Au contraire, it is just funny !!!
Totally hillarious
By Ms Genetics
i think this video has overcomed many cultural limits,
it's completely out there, very funny. Never thought that would be a hit single!
By GabeOrtiz
OMG! This video is HILARIOUS! I love this song so much and i have the old video already and this video is even better! Is so funny from beggining to end!@ This is a must have.... Kany Garcia does it again!@ Buy it.... iS gRREAT!
By dr.Qui
ive never seen this video before and i dont think i want to if nobody has reveiwed it yet.