I tell you this for free!!!
By BethanySittre001
First ever naked person without blurring IT OUT YESSS!!!!! 😥😥😄🥰🥰
Relax a little
By DoctorQuackers
First off, this video has been on YouTube for YEARS now, YEARS! The guy is a comedian posing as a Country Singer and this isn't near close to his "worst" (I mean that in the way of the things he sings about, which I find hilarious) songs. If you don't think this video is OK to post, well, welcome to America, it's in the first amendment. I do feel like this should be posted under comedy and not country as a genre, but most all "country" that comes out today, is a joke anyways and Wheeler actually does a decent job at making Country sound like it used to and not this Pop Country that's on the radio nowadays. Keep on rockin' Wheeler, love your work, although I DON'T prefer any fur on my burger, if you're wantin' me to tell the truth.
By rhythmnation2054
Found this unknown dude cuz he was name dropping Bebe Rexha who’s an artist that’s ACTUALLY known by people. Watched this video and regretted. This cheap mess of an excuse of a music video needs to be PULLED
calm down
By Champer1234
to the people that are mad about this and saying its not country and its a disgrace, remember he is a comedian and it's suppose to be funny. Calm down america, its a song and video about having fun and being funny. IF you do not like to laugh, dont watch the video.
Trash 👎🏻
By Majid Abhari
Country isn't about somthing terrible like that
Wheeler is the only real country music.
By Velvet BearTrap
This is the kinda stuff my grandad would play for me when I was a boy.
Disgusted Video
By Omed American
What a low class video
Ol' wheeler at it again
By bansheerider350
I got 3 words
Solid country gold.
American honey
By Sav T
I love good 'ol Wheeler!
By kbird08
Absolute crap