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Title Artist Time


  • Wow

  • There’s a reason it flopped

    By Ewok82
    Unlike a lot of other reviewers I don’t hate this album just for being pop. Trespassing was very pop too, but at least he wailed on it and exuded some passion and energy. With this album we don’t even get Adam Lambert the vocalist. It’s a subdued Adam who sounds lazy and uninspired. I listened through it once and had no desire to hear any of it again. Hopefully the album didn’t kill his career, because the dude does have a gift, and is capable of making great music. But he really struck out this time.

    By Charli-Marie
    This album has so much energy and gives you those songs that just make you want to get down and dance, I am in love with The Original High! Keep up the amazing work Adam!
  • Adam is awesome his songs are so cool!

    By Josh6910
  • Disappointing, unmemorable flop

    By Music4Everandever
    I never thought I'd hate music Adam Lambert would put out given his amazing vocal talents, but this album is the most boring piece of garbage I've heard in years. So Nick Jonas generic. Adam, stop working with that boring hack Max Martin and stop with this generic dance music. And especially stop trying too hard to get Top 40 radio hits, you're past the age that appeals to it's listeners. Concentrate on putting out good, heartfelt music. And for heaven's sake release a single that is a huge BALLAD instead of the garbage on this album. If you don't change things asap you won't have a solo music career for much longer after this bland effort. Well on the bright side at least Adam can fall back on his American Idol cover artist for hire career doing a tribute to Freddie Mercury with 2 members of Queen to make money and the odd acting gig like Glee and Rocky Horror Picture Show because if he keeps putting out music like this he'll lose his record deal and be soon forgotten as a solo artist.
  • Love these songs!!

    By RoxyPirate
    I love all of these songs!! It took me a couple listenings to like the. But I have really clicked with "The Light", however, they're all great songs!! This is Adam at his BEST!!!

    By radnathans
    I listen to the song every day! I love the beat.
  • HOLY

    By Bvb_army_forever
    This guy had talent. Someone we need an award.
  • Good Stuff

    By VSWA
    Always liked Adam but never really a fan. This deserves to be his big hit! Really big. Great song and one of the summers best and this is coming from someone who is not a big fan although listening to pieces of his full cd i might just become one soon.
  • Ghost Town

    By Ben riggle
    Is Beautiful