By Vi0list
Awesome band!! Saw them at battle of the bands tonight and they were great :D
Terrible singer
By UncleSwaggy
Music sounds great guys but I'd recommend finding a new lead singer with a better voice. Someone with more range or at least a more pure quality of pitch. Other than that I think you guys are on your way!
By ghostfur
Shocked at how much talent these three young men already have. Can't wait to hear more.
Best death metal act to come out of the crab state!
By stinky song
As the title states this is trve death metal and this music sure is br00tal. It has the pig squeals and breakdowns, what else could you ask for?
Life Changing
By collin345
Upon purchasing this EP, my wife, who was not pregnant, instantly went into labor. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. When he was born, he explained the theory of relativity to the doctor. The doctors head exploded. That boy later went into a career of hip-hop, under the rap name C-Drizzle. He changed the genre and made millions. He also became president. And an professional kazoo player. All thanks to this EP.
So it's an ok album.
Buy it.
Fun and Original
By Famous Finn
Love this first offering by a young and energetic rock band. We'll be hearing much more from these 3 talented rockers.