Not enough words
By nchellee
Whoever came up with this idea was brilliant!!!
My son loves this and he falls asleep to this
By TraxxAttaxx
By Zach2099
It's like they read my wife's and my mind! Our daughter was born to FFDP and was the only way we could get her to sleep. Now that she understands words and is more impressionable this is the next best thing. These songs are beautifully done and very soothing. Job well done guys! Yet another reason you are my favorite band of all time! Thank you!
The best!!!!
By Avampirebyday
There's nothing better than a heavy metal band going soft for a few songs.. Not only do I get to play this for my baby, but I can play it at work. I love it!!! The songs are so well done. Thank you FFDP for doing something different!
By Dark_Temptress
This is absolutely amazing. I love this lullabies made of my favorite band! Heck. I would listen to them to fall asleep!!
Elevator music
By poosham23
I don't know why but I'm a 25 year old dude and I love this. It's very elevator music. Once I have kids this is the only lullaby CD there going to fall asleep to.
By Stewyville
Amazing way to introduce little one to the glory of five finger death punch!!