Sound fx?!
By zippycruz27
Man, you really gotta give us something to listen to besides sound effects if you are going to sell this for $20.. If these are the high lights of your album you should have just farted on the tape machine and saved the world from this crap..
Ummagumma says what
By bol316
Zoinks this is pretty awful
By Beyonce#1#1#1FAN
I find the combination of sounds eerie. It has it's way of messing with senses and I think that is what compels me to this album or collection. Great work of art.
psh $20
By warscream2.0
rather buy two $9.99 albums at random then this
By pea headed smoter
yea….it's an album. that's about all i can say.
By gooblegooblegoo
These are the worst samples of an album ever. Nothing but sounds I could record in my kitchen on any night. I get it, the songs are long, but if you're going to be selling it on I tunes and it's comprised of a lot of noise, you better make sure the more active parts are sampled because, as is, nobody who isn't tripping balls on really strong acid would buy this.