Love like this
By Alpha lover 🖤
I love this song because it fits me and who I am and what I am going to be when I get older I wanna be a teacher 👩🏫 and yea I am a female I always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little girl I am 15 and in high school with my boyfriend and I always loved this song great beat and a beautiful women who sings the song I love her because she is true and she has never ever sang about anything that would put anyone down. She has a great way of making someone feel better about themselves and I think that everyone should look up to her because she has never let anyone down no not even her parents she is a true person who cares about singing and she cares about her friends and her fans and everyone loves that she is a great singer and person. I think that she is perfect and beautiful because I can’t believe that she does have haters that hate on her I can’t believe that because she is a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice so what if she makes mistakes EVERYONE DOES you shouldn’t make fun of her for something that every human does we all make mistakes so please don’t hate on her I love her for her and so should you please give her a chance 🥠 😏 😜 💕 😊
OMG my high school years are back!
By Momentumcon
80s babies, where y’all at?!
By Kel-E77
This album is sickening bad …and I mean that in the Best way! Faith in this albums brings out everything. It might as well be designed to stimulate the senses.
By BlackExcellence007
Still 🔥!
By atl_CeeCee
Just rebought this, still good music.
The 1st Lady!
By Blessinz88
Who cannot love Fizzy Faith Evans? Love our icon
Keep the faith!!!
By rampantshopper
Best R&B Album ever!
By Call Me Britt-O
Love Like This!!! >>> lawwwd when I heard this song I was around 8 I'm 17 now I wanted to go get some roller skates and go to rink. I absolutely love this song and this album
By Miss Godiva 1982
I played this album so much that I had to replace it! Flawless !!!!
All She Needed Was Faith....
I was really yonung when this first came out. Now Im In college going through many changes. With this album, Faith really takes you on a journey. She grieves love lost, Celebrates Memories, Sings about the Importance of Self Love and Moving on in my favorite "Life Will Pass You By". This is my fav album by her! And definitely memorable