A Must-Buy Album!
By UnaVitaSegreta
You don't have to speak French to love every track on this album. Her voice is clear and beautiful and strong in every song. You won't regret the purchase. If you are uncertain, listen to 'Apprivoise Moi' (inspired by The Little Prince/Le Petit Prince by Saint Exupery.)
the only reason....
By aaabanana2
haha the only reason I am buying one of these songs is for a french project at school. I guess you could listen to it if you wanted, but really if you can't speak french, don't waste your time
Nice Music
By DJEurphoria
I'm not quite sure what she is saying, but I think this is a great album anf I'm glad Itunes has it for other people to enjoy.
Great Album
By Krasimir
This is a great Cd and i you wont regret that you bought it.