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Title Artist Time


  • WOW

    By R. Snowdon
    Never get tired of Anne Murray's silky smooth voice. Most recording of this type (Sinatra & Friends etc) really don't quite work and disappoint. Not the case here. I can't imagine any fan of Anne Murray being disappointed in this purchas!
  • Anne and Olivia.

    By Jessica 6
    I have always liked Anne Murray and have most of her music. But I have to admit thay I bought this because of her duet with Olivia Newton-John which is great. Although I might have picked another song for them to sing together. Maybe, You Won't See Me. I am grateful I bought this though. Anne and everyone else hit it out of the ballpark. Great job.
  • Legendary!

    By DrJeffthurston
    How can people not have reviewed this? Anne, recorded at age 63, remains pitch perfect. While her voice has taken on a little gravel with age, she still reaches right into your heart. You can just hear the RESPECT of the greats with whom she sings! If Celine Dion and Sarah Brightman want to record with you in your 5th decade of performing, well thats enough recommendation for me!!! You go girl!!!
  • Forever!

    By norcal185785
    Surprised there aren't more reviews. I guess it's because she's more popular among the older generations. But I'm 20 and I love her! Extremely talented