Lovely ambience
By unw@und
Bluetech is not one to crank out the same stuff over and over, and each album he puts out tends to be fairly different stylistically than previous ones. This album spotlights his foray into a less beat-driven style of music; it is a respectable collection of ambient work, and because of this, (and in response to the review below), comparing it to his other works is rather pointless.
Bluetech's Deep Ambient Shamanic Practice
By davidzeitler
Before you get disappointed, read on!
This deep ambient work was the result of Bluetech's work with Stephen LaBerge, famed lucid dreaming researcher from Stanford. In between dreaming and wakefulness, there is a "hypnagogic" state of consciousness, and that "deep ambient" state inspired this music, which is an effort to invite waking consciousness into the liminal dream state without going unconscious.
In other words: it ain't dance music.
I never wanted to say this, but...
By kr0-0gs
Maybe Bluetech has lost that special something? Comparing this to Prima Materia (or literally any of his other albums as Bluetech), I can't help but feel disappointed and unfulfilled.
Where there were once powerful rhythms, punchy stringed synths and mind boggling reverb there is now air and a wisp of something that once was.