
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing

    By Gamer1790
    Nothing else to say
  • This album truly is superb.

    By From Louisville
    I know it's unsafe to bike with buds in, but seriously, if you can get away, go for a ride to this. You will feel amazing when you get back!
  • I'm here because...

    By SkilletsCrow
    Ascension was played at my old job over & over. I started working at Sears back in 2012 & I would hear that song & finally here I am following the rest of the albums lol.
  • Beautiful and perfect layers

    By Chrisisadrummer
    Scott Hansen is a brilliant mind and this album deserves every bit of praise possible. An album that brings out all types of emotions is an album worth remembering forever, and this does exactly that. 🤘😀
  • Amazing !!!

    By JlovesT
    Omg !!! React2nothing, I found this cd the same way you did by shazaming " hours " at a Kmart !!!!!
  • When its time to relax.....

    By UncleMeats
    This album is perfect for coming home to after a long stressful day. Just relax and imagine yourself being wisped away to a nice overcast day at the beach. Catching some nice breezes while overlooking the ocean with a tequilla sunrise in hand. When you sit up from your chair with drink in hand you'll have a hard time remembering which was a daydream and what was reality. Could not recommend this album enough. Very atmospheric and soothing with enough beats to keep you intrigued. Buy this and you'll see what Im talking about.
  • Love it...way cool

    By gyro1971
    Love this album...especially "Adrift"...mesmerizing
  • Best music I've ever had!

    By Hydrogen Demon
    I first found Tycho on the zen station for DirectTV. I looked for it on iTunes. It's been 3 years and now it gives me nostalgia. I would definitely recommend this for any one who loves chill music. (It's worth it)
  • Pandora, thank you!

    By Raintide Bunnyfox
    When I first heard music from "Tycho" on Pandora I was immediately reminded of the surrealistic music of a game called "Eufloria".
  • The best ever

    By Ramonismyname
    It's been 4 years and I still can't put this album down.