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Title Artist Time


  • Musical echoes of faith...

    By C. S. Neto
    From “The Archipelago” to “Kempsey”, this album features some beautiful and poetic imagery. The songwriting involved is a true work of art, which complements well the stories of faith that the musician/singer/songwriter Billy Otto presents as integral parts of his music ministry. It can honestly be said that Floating Now is not an album about Billy’s singing ability, but about preaching faith in a real, beautiful, and compelling manner.
  • A fantastic debut solo effort

    By DCharlesCross
    Billy is a friend, so you'll forgive my bias. And yet, no bias is needed. The album is superb in so many ways and stands ably on its own. It is both lyrically and musically rich. There are layers upon layers of sounds and textures and rhythms, but the music, somehow, remains simple and honest. Billy's voice is airy but still accessible and understandable; it bears no artificiality. The songs are often similar, yes, but the nuances of difference make them stand alone and apart. I'm proud of Billy, both musically and lyrically. He's tackled some "big picture" stuff here, but his head is not in the clouds. That is, he takes us with him on the journey, a journey that is his and which he invites us to make our own. Highlights for me are Miller and the Midnight Cry, Knox Patrick, Blood Brothers, and Dry Bones, but the whole album is excellent. Thank you, Billy, for using your talents and art for something bigger than yourself. Looking forward to your sophomore release already.