I of course like it.
By SCWorship
By QueenKong101
Thank you, God, for Sean Carter and for giving him gifts of wonderful music. He has sown a seed into my heart. This is by far one of the best albums, scan it with Layar to get more feedback on it. It's wonderfully amazing. Looking forward to the next album.
After many listens, I'm still discovering...
By Chrisht7
I am a musician, singer, and songwriter. When I listen to an album, it comes under extreme scrutiny (sometimes it's a curse). I have now listened to this album over 100's. I am in awe of the beautiful/creative music, deep/meaningful lyrics, and a range of melodies that are sung with such passion. There are some albums that are this way because of extraordinary talent, and although this is true, I also believe this album achieves such high marks from me because it seems so conceived and crafted by God himself. Sean Carter is a master Singer, Songwriter, and Musician, but most of all, he is an excellent vessel for God's creative flow into our culture.
This Album Matters
By Denver John
Whether or not this collection ever goes gold or makes iTunes Top 10 is immaterial. What matters is that this music moves you toward the Divine. It's different in a great way…a poetic, richly meaningful way. If you're looking for the latest 3:45 pop hit look elsewhere. If you let them, these songs will stop you -- get inside you and make you ask challenging questions about your self and your god. Beyond art there's beauty found in this album.
Creative and Fresh
By gkholmes
This is such a great album. It's fresh and different. Sean's Lyrics are penetrating, at times haunting, and always honest. I think my favorite on the album is "Stuck in a moment". Well done, Mr. Carter.
Creative & Refreshing!
By soxfaninkc
Sean's creativity and songwriting are a breath of fresh air. Great album! Must have!
Great album
By Kbsweden
I love the lyrics of Sean's music. They surprise and inspire me. Never predictable. This is a refreshing album, rooted in God's word, and so much deeper than a catchy chorus.
This is worship
By fRoSTanGeL9
I'm so glad the rest of the world can now hear Sean's music and be moved by it. This is real and this is good.
By Chris n Tiff
His passion song rocks the house!!!
The BEST Album I've purchased yet!
By DonkeyLong
This is, hands down, the best Christian album I've purchased from iTunes. This guys ability to draw you in and use his lyrics and musical talent that God blessed him with is astounding. The imagery created is one thing, but coupled with enjoyable tracks and beats has my whole family enjoying this album! Thank you for blessing us with your music!