"I Am" is IAM-azing
By bookedpromotions.com
Album reviewed by: Andrew Maffettone (Founder/CEO)
Ellis. is a folk/indie group from California and their debut album “I Am” is I Am-azing (did you like that?). In a time where folk is making a comeback with great artists like Mumford & Sons, Of Monsters & Men, and The Lumineers, Ellis. is doing their best to add their name to the greats of today and they are definitely headed in the right direction with this album.
“I Am” opens up with an upbeat and uplifting song called “Deepest Depths”, this track is great. With perfect matching lyrics and melodies and great, yet subtle harmonies added in, this song starts off the album perfectly. Coming in right behind this track is “Drifter”. This song shows you the beautiful voice Elora Jane who is the second vocalist in the band. She has a way of singing that shows she is not just singing every lyric but it almost seems as if she truly feels it as she verbalizes it. Each word is given a small emphasis that utilizes each feeling perfectly. Of course, then you have songs like “Call Me Elee” which is a beautiful and slightly slower song that keeps you relaxed. However this song is not as folk, it seems more as a acoustic alternative song until the snare comes in. “Lover vs. Love Her” is another great track off this album. This song tells a meaningful story that again shows the beautiful voice of Elora Jane and the amazing harmonies of Christopher Hayzel. This track is also sung more similar to a duet in which case Christopher is given the opportunity to show off his very talented voice as well. One of my favorite things of this song is the clever lyrics that give off a true emotion. The entire album seems to have a very high quality to it that shows you that this is an extremely talented band. The production value really comes through with “Toppling”, each instrument, each vocal, every little sound can be heard perfectly. Either this band got lucky or they paid good money to create this album because the sound quality is superb. The album closes with the title track and it does exactly what a closing song should do, leave you wanting more.
This is one of the best quality independent albums I have heard. The production value, the structure of everything song, everything matched up very well. If you like either old folk rock or today’s folk rock than you’ll love Ellis. This is an album to add to your collection.