Heavy metal
By Sam9514
This a great sound track worth the purchase ...
Atli Orvarsson: Witch Hunter
By ronweasly2.0
Atli has my full attention after hearing this mystical, hardcore, head-banging masterpiece! This is perfect for the fans of Atli and of the movie. Don't hesitate, buy it! "And whatever you do, don't eat the candy".
Marginal. Here's why.
By clark.mitchell.a
Believe it or not, a lot of this is an indirect transcription of other film composers, largely James Dooley and James Newton Howard. From the forum of those who know enough about film music to catch up on repeats, this is marginal at best. Nothing stands out. No doubt that it fits the movie, one that just didn't make the cut with the critics.
Where is the song from the end credits
By movieguynathan
There was a heavy metal song from the end credits they left off the soundtrack :(