Reagan - Single - Killer Mike

Reagan - Single

Killer Mike

  • Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Release Date: 2012-11-06
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 2

  • ℗ 2012 Williams Street Records


Title Artist Time
Reagan Killer Mike 4:09
Reagan (Instrumental) Killer Mike 4:11


  • The prison industrial complex...

    By S7209
    To the reviewers who say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, I’m sorry but you’re wrong. For one thing, he’s talking about the prison industrial complex. It’s well-documented that the three-strikes/mandatory sentencing laws inspired by the drug wars have (1) inflated the prison population and (2) not deterred the use or sale of illegal drugs and that (3) we have a huge number of private (for-profit) prisons who lobby on behalf of stricter sentences and other related matters because it’s good for business. This song is about more than Reagan — and he says so. Finally, if you want to read a good book on the Reagan era, find Sleepwalking Through History. It’s serious work and covers the years in a dispassionate manner. Reagan was not a great president, he was a person who confused ideology and reality. As an actor, he churned out propaganda and was part of the effort to destroy the careers of writers, actors and directors whose politics did not align with his or the U.S. government. The fact that he wasn’t as crazy as the current crop of right-wingers isn’t exactly saying much. Being the sanest person in the loony bin is faint praise.
  • I approve of this message

    By Timbos#1Fan
    Awesome song, sounds "Premo"-ish. Ignore the trolls who saw the title to simply tear it apart politically because they got kicked off Fox News and WSJ for over blogging... Enjoy!
  • The Ignorance is Staggering

    By Presidential History Buff
    The historical ignorance displayed in this "song" is so overwhelming, it could pass for mental illness. I don't know why this individual chose to trash a great president like Reagan (even Obama agrees on that point, despite their ideological differences) but it amounts to nothing more than a shameless and baseless Lie. Go back and actually read a book about Reagan and the drug wars in the '80s, and one will know how laughable this is. Like any historian, an artist should only write about what they actually know. It's clear this individual hasn't the slightest conception of what he's talking about. Yet, this again proves that people believe what they want to believe no matter what the facts say.
  • RxCritq

    By RxCrtiq
    Something much different.

    By Stevi3Bee7513
    It's refreshing to hear a rapper tell the youth that are listening to their music the truth about the "rap game" and about the world in general. I am sure it won't be popular because most people don't want to hear the truth Mike is spittin. They want to live in fantasyland.... as most people do. Along with "Burn" this is number 2 wow from Killa. Do your thing man. Mad props. It's time to eduacate the youth and take back the country where every man and woman is equal!!!
  • Nice

    By Quis3o5

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