Best album ever !!!!
By Pin3_con3
This is like the best album of all time , if you don't agree your messed up . They stayed true to there roots and added new wow to it !!! The whole album is different then the past 2 ,this one has more mark , more rap, new sounds and its just plain out leaves me with no words !
The fist song on the album good ol' days ! This is amazing !!!! A faster paced song and amazing in every way !!!! How could any one not love this song and the lyrics are grate !!!! 'Who's ever coming back to mine better bring you guitar ' it's perfect !!!!!!!
The second song is six degrees of desperation !!! I love this song more then any thing ! There have been times when life is getting hard and I sing this song at the top of my lungs and punch a wall , then realise that I can get thou what ever is happening . The line 'lie and say your better now then ever when your life's ok when it's not,no' is honestly how I live my life , and I lie to my self I'm ok when I'm Not , I'm not going thou a brake up but I can relate to this song ! It's utterly amazing !!!!
And the third song hall of fame is amazing !!!!!!!! It's the one that is the most heard of there's on the radio , it is played in ball games , it's every where !
And they got to do it with them !!!! Wow !!!! Danny mark glen Ben and will !!!! How could a song get any better ?!?!?!?!?!? I LOVE how its Danny take a line will takes a line , there's a ton of songs with a rapper that dos there own part , but not very many like this !!! I love that fact about it ! LOVE how the 2 of the best singers in the world take it duet style ! It's amazing !!!!!
And forth Is if you could see me know ! I don't think there's a person in this world that can't relate to this song , this song has a different meaning for almost every one who hears it I think , if this song doesn't move you to tears , something's wrong with you , this song is freaking awesome !!! I'm adopted and I can't tell you how many times I've thought marks part to myself before i herd this song, then hearing mark sing it ! The first , like 50 times I heard it I was past tears , I was like not able to cry cos he came out and sang what I had wondered to myself millions of times !!!! This song is the most amazing song ever written !!!
And fifth is glowing , this song is AMAZING !!!!!! It helps me keep going , keep pushing , realise I can do what I need and not give up !
'Never going to stop till the clock stops ticken
never going to quite till my legs stop kicken
I will follow you and we'll both go missen ya
Never given up till my hart stops beaten
Never letten go till my lungs stop breathing
I will follow you and we'll both go missen ya '
LOVE THIS SONG !!!! I keep pushing becus of this song !!!
Sixth is give the love around . this is an amazing song about how we need to spread the love , I mean its not likes some ones goin to go like 'boom boom pow , where's the love ?' And we'll all be living I a perfect world , it's up to us , we have to spread the love to get love , and karma will come back , but we have to try ,it starts by giving love to your brother love to your sister love to your misses love to your mister love to your friends love to your foes give the love around and back around it gos ,
This is a true song and seriously if we do something hateful you get 4x that much hate back !!!!!
Seventh is broken arrow and song that's amazing , rap then singing then back to rap then back to singing ! And the harmonies are amazing !!!!!!!! And I love love love love love how it switches from he to she , it's an amazing song !
And it's so hard to keep yourself on the straitened arrow ! And honestly it's really hard to get to heaven when your born hell bound , this is the song that gave me the push that i needed to realise if i work hard and sing as much as I do , I CAN make it in the music industry ! I seriously love this song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eighth Is kaleidoscope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bloody awesome song , love every thing about it !!!!!
'With you
With you
All colours come alive
when I collide with you
With you
All colours come alive
When I collide with you ! '
I love this song !!!!! And some times it really dos feel like there's a hundred thousand light bulbs but there ain't no switch ,
This song is perfect in every way
The Ninth song is no words , it leaves me with no words , I love it !!!! There are no words to describe this song , when I open my mouth it's silents !!!!!!!!!! I love the harmonies , it's a lot like something you'ld expect to hear on science and faith , but it's not , its something not like any thing on science and faith , and perfect for #3 i can't find the words to describe this song , it's so perfect !!!
Tenth is millionaires I love this song ! The video is amazing and the song is perfect !!!!!!! Glad It's a single !!!!!!!!!
Love the lyrics love the words love the video , love every thing about it !!!!!
Look at us since 6 in the morning
If Time was money yea we'ld be worth a fortune ! I swear you may think your rich , you can have a million € but you can't buy this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Love all the scripts albums ! There the best band ever , can't have a fav !!! All of their songs are amazing !!!!!! If you don't have this album , I say get it now !!!!! You've been missen out ! There music is what keeps me goin ! Hope to meet them someday !!!!!!!!! If I could give it more then 5 stars I would !!! Love it ! I would right more buts its 3am and I've started righting this @ 12 am so hope you liked my thoughts on this album , I put a lot if thought into what I wrote , I love this album sooo much I hope everyone will get it !!!!!!! Really needs more then 5 stars !!! Xx