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Title Artist Time


  • The latest Rush masterpiece!!!!!

    By ChessUhappy
    I listened to this when it came out in 2012 and I liked it then but I started listening to it again in 2024 and the music and lyrics are brilliant. I love and miss Rush.
  • "Precision at its Best"

    By AEF042363
    Sadly the last studio album from RUSH. This album brings back the Magic of RUSH. The Raw Energy of these songs reminds me of early RUSH. The Guys sound Awesome as Ever. RIP Neil Peart...
  • DENSE Heavy Metal Rush

    By RocknRollaCola
    Forgive me, dear Rushdom. As you would expect from them, the mastery of their instruments is awe-inspiring and Geddy’s vocals are sonically mature on this LP but I haven’t liked much from them musically since 1982’s “SIGNALS.” LOVE the guys & Peart’s lyrics but the music is meandering, thick, and heavy-metal noisy for my tastes (plus Geddy’s voice always seems buried too much behind all that grind). Wish they could have returned to the production techniques and musical moods they had back in ‘75-‘82. I guess Rush just kept on experimenting until eventually they were hardly recognizable. Check out their LPs from “Caress of Steel,” “Fly By Night,” “2112,” Farewell to Kings,” “Hemispheres”(my favorite), “Permanent Waves,” “Moving Pictures,” and “Signals.”
  • Wow. Just, wow.

    By jriejdje
    One of the best albums from one of the best bands ever. Just great music from the first note to the last. They saved the best song for last on this one. The Garden is absolutely beautiful and the lyrics are even more poignant given the passing of Neil Peart two years ago. With so many washed up bands trying to hang on to past glory far too long, it’s great to see that Rush has saved one of their best efforts for last and went out at the top of their game and on their terms. It’s time to start talking about Rush in the same breath as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones as a contender for the GOAT. Yes, they were THAT good. 20 studio albums and EVERY ONE has gone gold or platinum. The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are the only other bands that can claim that.
  • More of the same

    By Dodge555
    I haven't enjoyed a new album from Rush since Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows. They all sound the same anymore zero creativity. Just because Picasso paint's a picture doesn't mean it's a masterpiece. There has to be some true inspiration found in the work and Rush sounds like a group of really good musicians getting together to just hang out and oh by the way that sounds like a song lets record it.
  • To Neil

    By 123PleaseComeForMe
    One of my earliest memories is drumming to “Tom Sawyer” on the seats of my mother’s car on the way to daycare. Even as an eight year old, it was apparent to me that Neil’s drumming was something special, powerful. He was the spark that hit a lifelong fire for the drums and music. I’m not alone in this realization. That young boy from Iowa could have never imagined the friendship to come with Neil Peart. He shared his adventures motorcycling, sailing, touring, and drumming. Every day ended with a Macallan and lots of laughter. More than all of this, Bubba was there for me when my dad died of cancer. He brought me In-N-Out after I got creamed on my motorcycle. He’d meet with Make-a-Wish kids in secret, play drums with them, and take them for milkshakes. He was that kind of dude. Extraordinarily kind, even after the universe took everything from him. He left our world a better place then he found it. “The measure of life is a measure of love and respect, So hard to earn so easily burned In the fullness of time, A garden to nurture and protect (It’s a measure of life) The treasure of life is a measure of love and respect, The way you live, the gifts that you give In the fullness of time, It’s the only return that you expect” Neil wrote these lyrics for the last song on the last Rush album. To the last... you measure up, Bubba.
  • Possibly my favorite album

    By Commandr_
    Whevever I get into a new car or buy some new headphones, this is the first thing i throw on.
  • Play it LOUD

    By Prayerpilgrim 1
    This album begs, begs and pleads to the listener to be more..... do more...,. alll to live better! We ca do it, we will do it, So play it Loud!
  • The last album?

    By bpl8284
    Well, I don't know...i went to the Snakes and Arrows tour, and it was out of this world! That album and tour...wow! It seems like Geddy's voice has had enough when i hear this one; the music sound and quallity is fine, but Geddy's voice is just not that stong anymore....this band has had such an incredible run!! One of the best rock bands ever!
  • I don't recognize them any more

    By Tech guy/SF
    I've been a fan of Rush for decades. Gone to concerts, play their albums all the time. I have no idea what they were thinking with Clockwork Angels. Just a bunch of noise. Generic. Something many other less talented bands could have thrown together. I keep listening to it, hoping it grows on me. It doesn't.