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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • That

    By Ari Eschtruth
    I like that. Very good. 1) The chicken is to go with the rotisserie ovens, 2) Is Geddy using a pick for the bass, and 3) Is Neil SMILING?
  • Awesome

    By RomanGabriel
  • Very Much Worth it

    By CatMan
    My brothers of prog metal, this is a amazing music vidieo. It is off snakes and arrows live (which is a great movie, don't do why iTunes doesn't sell it) It's worth every penny, like when the house lights go up and every thing. go 4 it

    By Wedge1964
    Great Peformance by Rush. And if anyone is wondering about the chicken, it's apart of the show, and also Geddy is mocking Alex for his use of amazingly large amps afew tours before Snakes & Arrows. But anyway, great performance and this is deserves a 5-star rating.
  • One of the best bands ever.

    By CliffG84
    This is from the Snakes and Arrows DVD, which I highly recommend(or if you have a Blu Ray player, pick that one up. top notch video and audio. They put on one of the greatest shows around. After 30+ years, they are still going strong, putting acts half their age to shame. A must for fans of the band. To ELECTRIC+, the band always have on going gags. The Chicken costume was funny to see as it was basting the Chicken in Geddy's amp cases. Yes you saw that correctly, Geddy's amp cases.
  • Great Video!

    By jmbmaze
    It's a cool video, but I don't get what's with the chicken!
  • Bill

    By MelchersTunes
    Greatest guitar intro. in history! Even my grandma likes this song! If you don't like this song then I suggest opera for you.