Not bad
By That bad
I love freebies cuzit givesme the chanceto listen to artists and songs I may have never heard before; And this song is a good example of how freebies can be so awesome!
By Ranciana
If your a jazz person who thinks different languages are cool you will like this. It's up beat, calm, and POSITIVE!!! THANK YOU ITUNES AND PEOPLE POWER!!!
By m3g4n17
It's like someone puked up some sound then put it a cd and is now trying to sell it
Ca va
By 12345678901234569870
Bonjur! Tha vidoe comme ci comme ca oui pas mal??
I like it
Ha idk I like it, I think it's catchy and fun
By beatles addict
is that......arabic??????
By rebecci.messer
Talent-yes. Creatively put together-yes. Sounds like something you'd hear in a Music Appreciation class. I don't think I really -understand/appreciate- the music enough to give it a higher rating, and it sounded like it went all over the place (besides the languages), so it gets 2 stars from me. No; 3 - this had to take some work! :)
By thenightguywj
I was pleasantly surprised. Way to put it out there Talib and fellow artist.
The Review
By Gina379
I love the beat it's pretty sick (meaning good, for those who don't know). Yes it's different languages, but look at the picture & name, that's what I expected. This is a good song, if you like that jazzy pop sound. If that's not you thing you won't like it, simple as that.
Worth the download, yes
By Blahbloomwa
Hey, I have no clue what they're saying (I recognize English, Zimbabwe, French, and Spanish 'o,O?) but I don't give a crap. I like the song. It's energetic, it's upbeat, rhythm executions from the vocalists are pretty good, and I grew up in Kenya so I'm a sucker for anything remotely African-ish. :P
(And by the way, I am now judging by whether a song's download is worth the typing in my password and the memory space on my iPad. I decided that this was worth it; hence the title is actually a complement and not some snide, sarcastic comment or underhand insult. Just wanted to clarify.)