By Bigtrav6442
Awesome album!
You gotta stay positive
I bought that single because it lyrically was the best
By TinBear87
These boys have my heart:) they are amazing..
i want full!!!
By IC-RoKer
longer songs of the same cd its awsome!!! one last dance it freaking awsome
Despite the tease, it's still solid.
By Peter wanger
I won't buy this album legally. There's something morally wrong with selling an album with 7 songs under 30 seconds. That said, I love the direction Silverstein is going. I'll go see them everytime they tour, which is more I can say about a lot of other bands. I allow them a little leeway since they're Canadians. Haha
New sound, and it isn't for the worst
By lkjhnb
The first 11 originals are great, and every cover is atLEAST good, if not amazing. If Silverstein changes into a more punk rock band, well I won't be complaining.
Album title
By Jc18241
The name of the album is SHORT SONGS. They say it right there you morons. Stop complaining they are too short. Don't buy it if you don't like it.
By alexscarlatos
honestly, i gotta give these guys credit for being this ballsy to come out with an album like this. as much as i like these tracks, its not their best work, but still, pretty good
It's ok...
By TheAwesome777
The good songs are really good, the others all kinda sound the same... Shane's clean vocals have really improved over the years, and it's one of the reasons I listen to these guys. Sadly, most of this album is growls and "ARGLBARGLWARGL!!!" If you're into that sort of thing then I guess you'll like this. It feels like they were just teasing us with incomplete songs, even though these are complete songs... I prefer longer songs with less growling. I'll be selling this back to the store I got it from when I get the chance...
By THEjeffrenfro
6 albums later, and they still have it like they had it from day one! Short Songs is money well spent! all the haters aren't true Silverstein fans!