guess what everyone!
By SenorBandito
this isnt the album version! its the video version! ive read the booklet from the upcoming album SMASH and these lyrics dont match up. haha, great song though, so why not buy both? :D
Loves it!
By H.Maqueda
Amazing! His entire 'Smash' Album is legit! Loving Big in Japan, Can't Stop, and Let's Not Play Games!!! Bravo Martin Solveig!
What Happened to the original version??
By I-sim
Before downloading this, check out the europe album version (original) is much better, still a good song.
not what i expected
By Lantz0027
Disappointing. It sounds like a kids song.
i expect better
By Rockfordbuckeye
martin solveig is way more talented than this garbage.
Ugh! Really Dragonette?
By NYC Pants
I LOVE Dragonette and was listening to them since GALORE and I was ecstatic when HELLO hit it big, but this new song takes their sound so far away from who they've consistently been, that it has the faintest whiff of selling-out. I realize that there really is no selling-out in pop music, but this song just seems like they are willing to throw away their identities in order to make it even bigger. I'm not angry with them. They've been trying for a long time with spectacular and criminally underrated songs since '07. Even though I hope with the band that this song will keep their winning streak going, this is the one song I do not want in my collection.
By YRosie
About time! I've been waiting 3 weeks.
By Boyee sixteeeeeen
Obviously not big in the U.S.
By DJ Dave Rave
I like how Martin Solveig doesn't take himself too seriously and just has fun! Great tune!
By Kayendi
In some parts, the music overpowers the vocals.