An Introduction to Lecrae
By thepaiges
He's respectable as a man and an MC.
By Richard Sexton
i took a look at the album that this is on and this is the only song that was not dirty. I wondered why lecrae would do that but then it hit me he can share gods name with the same groop of people who reject him. Shouldent we all do that even if some people dont understand or think it is not " socialy corect"
Great song but seen better
By idk and idc 00001
I dont see why this song is so incredible i mean it is good but not rebel good
good for little girls who have never heard any good song
if lyrics were better and trip lee featured in it it would be amazing
but it has neither
By BlakeHagen
God is definitely working through Lecrae to take in the harvest
Yes -- all I can say is, yes!! Lecrae is the best, a true wordsmith who sings catchy tunes for the Lord. Thank you Lecrae!
All day Lecrae
By Ibl33dblu32
Lecrae is a beast hands down! All y'all worldly, fake, studio gangsters, broke stunners, etc.... need to recognize da real! Jesus music never plays out! Get y'all's lives right quickly wit God or hell awaits you!!!!
By Better Dayz
wow his songz touch the heart & soul best raper right now lol itz bull crap that they dnt put him on mtv or bet because his music has a positive vibe an theirz no cursing or foul language or negative anything.... everything vice versa of a regular worldly raper...
keep up the good work.....
He just won't stop!
By holt109
...dose Lyrics, dat Livid, dat Juice dat Holy Spirit bring'em!!! Thers nothin made up about dis, strate from the source Babaay....Bros. & Sis. dis proof dat God's well never runs dry, so drink up cuz dis iz wher its at!
By A-lyricist
Absolutely one of my fav songs right now! Refreshing beat in Christian Rap right the concept, testimony & msg!!
Real Hip Hop
By Chuck the Great
Christian hip hop artist have taken over....period!! The world needs to wake up!!