Believe Me was actually sent to radios!
By Wishy16
I remember listening to Believe Me on Argentinian radios, heavy rotation. The highlights of the album are Just Be Free, Believe Me and Running out of Time.
Good demo album!
I love Christina
By csasvin
I really love every thing she does, maybe because i really like her. For me it was worth it.
If your not a fan
By Julia Rahr
If your not a die hard fan than don't by this album. It was recorded when she was 14 as a kind of a rough draft demo album. When she moved labels she didn't want them to release it, (in 2001)they went to court and everything(christina and the label) she lost but with the exception that a note came with it explaining that she didn't want it released.
An overlooked album by a well-known artist
By Hdavvvbb
For all of you saying things like "sounds so bad" or "weak performance", she recorded this at 15. 15!!!! This is an overlooked demo album that is fun, upbeat, and just amazing. Download now!
Christina sounded good, despite the cheesy songs.
By prismatic_boy
All I can say is that although Christina apparently didn't want to release this album, after hearing it for myself, it was cool for what it was, but it wasn't all that.
Shockingly Good
By hsmfan007
I was surprised at how amazing this album is. Christina sounds incredible on each song! There are a few parts where she does sound a little pitchy but it's not like she's unbearable on those parts. I couldn't believe she was only like 14,15,16 when she recorded this cause she sounds a lot older. It's amazing how much she has changed since she recorded this. I really like every song on this album,including the Spanish songs. I would recommend it to Christina fans. It's not my favorite work by her, but it is really special cause it was her first album that she recorded. It's a shame her record company relased it behind her back but at least she's still making money off of it. It was defiently way better than I thought it would be which means you can't judge a book by it's cover. Give it a chance and you might be surprised in a good way.
Early demos
By Coyne95
Don't Judge her from this album, she recorded these songs, in '94-'95 when she was 14-15 and a record label turned her down,it's cool to hear her younger voice,I think the song 'Just Be Free' had potential! Its the most decent song.
i love just be free
By dpichardo658
i love just be free and isn't cool to know that she wanted to sing spanish songs even as a young girl. BTW she doesn't speak spanish so that definately speaks volumes.
So she never wanted this released!!
By doreen a.
It sounds better than Bionic for the most part.
She should rework both albums and release songs from each and put them on on album. The electro-pop from Bionic sucked!
Not One of Her Best Albums
By Lshelle
Christina recorded this album when she was like 15 or 16. The album came out after her self-titled record with RCA was released in '99. You already can hear the strong quality in her voice, but the whole album is not that good. Only one or two songs on this record is good though.