i await re-release of "cute little freshman girl" or "birthday boy"
By 89tmh
navel gazing
By robaustin
.....I didn't find this as strong a first single as "Someone to Love" from the prevous album,or the inimitable "Stacy's Mom" from Welcome Interstate Managers.
It's a cute, meandering fun song, but it doesn't have the real "hookiness" of some of their stronger work. Definitely doesn't grab you as an out of the gate GREAT song.
I await better stuff......
Glad FOW is back
By pkripper98
I am liking it. Very much in the same vein as Mexican Wine. FOW continues to produce infectious POP music
Great song
By HotLotz
Thanks guys
Another great song from FOW
By Teigland
There is a certain sound that diehard FOW fans have come to love and this song fits that sound perfectly. Very melodic, with fun lyrics and interesting musical hooks. It's been far too long to wait for new FOW music. If this song represents what is still to come when the new album comes out in August, it is going to be another great FOW collection!
great story song with a awesome groove
By TonyFromSyracuse
great new single from on of the best bands out there!! good to hear them using acoustic guitars out front!