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Title Artist Time


  • Quality Freshman Album

    By CrashingDown
    Out of all the trance artist albums I've heard, this one takes the cake. The guys picked vocalists that perfectly matched the songwriting, and the melodies are flawless. My only complaint is that more work should have been given to the instrumentals, including Retake and Shapes Revolve, which are sub-par.
  • If you dont know Trance...

    By Stereofidelic
    This is a pure trance music! And straight out of Austin TX US no less! Tritonal's back with an album that reins all 2011 trance! I've sampled many of their songs for a long time to friends who've never heard of the genre itself and they love it! Collaborating with Cristina Soto as vocals are one of their amazing assets. If theres anything to recommend on this album, Lifted (Mat Zo Remix), Something New (club mix), Still With Me and Broken Down is a great collection! Also check out their new song, The Other Shore with Cristina Soto, not on this album!
  • Pure trance awesomeness

    By Vance_L
    I first herd them on (Trance around the world) then I bought "Broken down " the i herd "jump off " after buying a Richard Durand album . There awesome . Ferry & above & beyond know how to pick em.!!!
  • Wow....

    By KristinSkyye
    OMG....that's all I have to say about this album - keyword there being "have".... I first heard about these guys when Above & Beyond kicked off one of their Trance Around the World podcasts with Broken Down. After hearing that track a couple of times I couldn't wait until the album dropped. No joke, this is undeniably one of the best artist albums I've had the pleasure to listen to in a looong time. Every track is just stellar and has the classic trance & vocal trance sound but with an updated feel to it. I look forward to their next release...
  • Nothing Bad to say

    By vance223
    Incredible. I originally bought the CD just for "Still With Me" & "Broken Down". But, since then every single song has grown on me and I've grown to love them all!
  • Good debut

    By dk17111
    This is a very good debut...i'd say in comparing these guys to aly/fila and gareth emery (all had freshman albums within the last year...) they aren't in their class. technically they are solid...i think song structure could be better. however..."broken down" is one of the best songs i've heard in the past months, with the shogun remix (and the other remixes) being some of the best stuff out now. i question a lot of the reviews...marketing machine or friends of the guys (not sure how ALL these people know their names...i've been a big deadmau5 fan for years and i'm not sure what his first name is...so they must know the guys. nothing wrong with that but kinda unbiased). so...just saying listen to the samples rather than read reviews...you shouldn't care what the reviews say anyway good or bad...just listen..if you like, buy it. i did. don't regret it. think these guys have a bright future.
  • A must-have.

    By R_P_O
    Brilliant. The trance scene in the US is lucky to be graced by Austin's Tritonal. Cristina Soto is an exceptional vocalist.
  • Wonderful

    By LEN73
    I'm in love this album. I highly recommend this to any lover of trance. All the vocal tracks are beautiful, especially with the help of Cristina Solo's ethereal voice. Shapes Revolve, Lifted, Still With Me, and Piercing Quiet are some of my favorites, but only by a margin. Every song is good. Wonderful! Cannot wait to hear more or see Tritonal live!!

    By hotone21
    Wow every song is packed with all the sounds every trance lover loves. Songs are nonstop with I most def appreciate and the flow thru each track is magnificent. At the end of the year you will still say I'm glad I picked this one up.
  • Worth every cent!

    By Bret Law
    I had the pleasure of driving these gays around Seattle a few weeks ago, and truthfully, it'd be difficult to find anybody as nice as these two. And to top it off, they've made a poetic and beautiful record. Not one song on it isn't brilliant. Take the time, buy the album and listen through it all. You won't be disappointed!