Poetica (feat. Nadia Ali) - Iio

Poetica (feat. Nadia Ali)


  • Genre: Dance
  • Release Date: 2006-06-27
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 16

  • ℗ 2006 Made Records


Title Artist Time
Rapture (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:13
At the End (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 3:39
Smooth (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:30
Runaway (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 3:36
Kiss You (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:17
Chastity (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 9:22
Tantric (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 3:34
Rebel (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 5:14
Is It Love (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:30
Be It (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 6:16
Give It up (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 6:51
Hangin On (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 3:22
The One (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:38
What a Way (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 4:05
Poetica (feat. Nadia Ali) Iio 1:51
Kiss You (feat. Nadia Ali) [Ba Iio 3:42


  • Love / hate 20/20

    By SnoopyTec
    To many versions of RAPTURE to be able to get the right ONE from the Dancestar Awards. Please fix this I already waisted $2.00 on the wrong version thank you
  • Sensual

    By jcerrillos
    This album has got to be one of my favorites of all time. I go through many periods of time where all I listen to is this album shuffled because it's that good. All songs will grow on you if you listen to it enough, however the lowkey songs are what makes it unique. Of course Rapture, Runaway, Kiss You, Is It Love are hits but listening to them can get boring. This album was clearly produced with a mellow, sensual theme and it shows. All songs are worth a listen but Smooth and Chastity show how well the music is produced. Never fails to put this album on and jam out.
  • Good Jam!!!

    By Nicoya75
    I love it
  • At the end..

    By Gio-Duse98 gi o lol:($
    It's so my wife..she dedicated this song when we wer kids. Now we have 3 boys. Middle school sweet harts. Now wer 33.
  • Simply Perfect!

    By FOBgirl4
    Poetica is what made me turn into an Iio fan. Every song is beautifully blended with Nadia Ali's vocals, with beats that are so sensual!
  • Simply amazing!

    By emilg89
    From the melodies, to the hooks, to the music to the vocals.. this album is phenomenal! Rapture - one of the most hypnotic & infectious songs I've ever heard. At the End - more on the Pop-y side than its predecessor, but still just as infectious! Smooth - sick chillout tune.. from the moment that bass thumps.. it's just a ride.. Runaway - awesome song. doesn't follow the regular song formula verse-chorus-verse-choruse-bridge-chorus which makes it all that much more interesting. fabulous! Kiss You - the lyrics in this song (in every song actually but this song particularly) stand out to me and the melody accompanies it perfectly! Chastity - this 9 minute gem is nothing short of amazing. listen to it and you'll understand why. Tantric - i would say the most different-sounding song on the album. absolutely hypnotic and completely tantalizing.. the formation of the verses and delivery, vocals and melody amaze me. Rebel - great song but forgettable.. not one of my favorites but still good! Is It Love - the #1 hit! and rightfully so! one of my favorites on this album Be It - another weird song that definitely grows on you with multiple listens. Give It Up - this is when the album start to wane a little for me.. the song doesn't capture me at all. it's forgettable. and the silent gap in the middle loses my focus completely Hangin On - the album picks up a little again after the let down of Give It Up. this song is engaging and right on point! however it is lost in the middle of fillers so it's usually looked over on my library The One & What A Way - again, a let down. not a strong way to close the album. i put them both under the same comment becuase they sound the same to me. i wish Give It Up was after Hangin On so i'd put it under the same comment too.. OVERALL: despite the FEW letdowns here, this album is STELLAR! STELLARSTELLARSTELLAR! Get it now!! the remixes of is it love and kiss you are amazing as well!