
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Lol

    By luke kingsbury
    Penis song is so funny
  • Penis Song!

    By Dat1PatsFan
    It’s great 😂
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • This is my song

    By eat my dong mexicans
    I have a big slhong
  • To 2018

    By Jess the yolo
    I love this album to this day!!
  • Mans is kits

    By randomizer578
    Yeah we can go get some food for the kids and get you something too early for a little while I can do you know what you think of that you want me I don’t think you want me going I guess I can go to the movies with me tomorrow I want you know if I want you to come get it and get some rest and get it and I can go to the house if I get to go to get you and I will get it.
  • terrible

    By Bobby B Chicago
    Actually, bought this album about 6 months ago, was a fan, but finally listened to it and it is terrible. Seriously, don’t like a single song. Really don’t’ need to be lectured on history, but if you really want, at least make a half way decent song.
  • Meaningful

    By Rvgrossi2900
    Macklemore probably has the best lyrics in terms of them meaning something. Props to him.
  • This is art!

    By OG Kevlar
    Honestly one of the best albums on iTunes and it seems as if Macklemore doesn't receive the credit that he deserves!
  • I dont understand why this dude is a rapper

    By FLMCP
    really, the penis song. I expected better. but most of this is utter crap