J. Adams: Doctor Atomic Symphony & Guide to Strange Places - David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

J. Adams: Doctor Atomic Symphony & Guide to Strange Places

David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 2009-07-17
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2009 Nonesuch Records


Title Artist Time
Doctor Atomic Symphony: I. The David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 2:32
Doctor Atomic Symphony: II. Pa David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 14:31
Doctor Atomic Symphony: III. T David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 7:11
Guide to Strange Places David Robertson & St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 22:40


  • A Standing Ovation

    By T. Sturm
    Adams, You've done it again! This beautiful piece about the psychological trauma experienced by those involved in the creation of the atomic bomb is nothing but genius. The origional and powerful musical concepts of this piece BLOW THE MIND.
  • Great Work

    The first act takes place about a month before the bomb is to be tested, and the second act is set in the early morning of July 15, 1945 (the day of the test). During the second act, time frequently slows down for the characters and then snaps back into reality. The opera ends in the final, prolonged moment before the bomb is detonated. Much of the text from the opera was adapted from declassified U.S. government documents and communications among the scientists, government officials, and military personnel who were involved in the project. This is the Orchestral Score performed admirably by St. Louis.
  • Dr Atomic

    By Indet
    John Adams, composes a magnificent gift wrapped from our recent dark American history. In this recording one has the opportunity to acquaint ones self to the basic composition. The Saint Louis Symphony does a splendid job in interpretation guided by Robertson. To seriously listen to this work and then the opera, will bring you to the realization of complete horror America brought to the world.
  • Inreresting piece...appropriate.

    By JackRSkellington
    Thank goodness Boolez is around writing reviews for every release on itunes. Clearly has plenty of time alone in a room by himself. And with a name like Boolez, you can understand his incredible historical insight about triadic music. What a mind! Doctor Atomic Symphony is a good suite from the very long opera. Having seen the opera at the Met last year, the opera could use a bit of editing. However, its essence and its strongest music exist here. "Batter My Heart" is one of the high-points in recent operatic history. Oppenheimer's vocal line is given to the trumpet here. It's all a very nice evocation of the opera, but probably best exists as a suite to recall the opera to those who have seen it. While it lacks the architecture of Adams' larger orchestra pieces, it's still a very enjoyable listening experience as is Guide to Strange Places.
  • i am so excited!

    By Moussorgsky1
    Personally, i felt that Doctor Atomic was probably one of the greatest operas i had ever seen. I just loved the orchestral textures. I am happy that itunes finally has Doctor Atomic, even though it isn't the opera. Everything on this disc sounds great. The brass, acoustics, etc.
  • KaaaaaaBoooom!

    By Boolez
    I was never a fan of the opera but then again it's a dying art form anyway. The symphonic exctracts give a fairly good sense of what the mother piece was like. To my ears it's a bit overwrought and in serious need of revision. It would appear that Adams knew this as well because he kept pushing back the premire date while he recast the work. If anything the whole album goes to defend Hindemith's dictum that modern music would eventulally fall back to the triad. In this instance the four stars really go to the Guide to Strange Places which is a much better piece. It has Adams signature voice all over it and is one of the better pieces he's done in some time showing us why he's the reigning king of post-modern romanticism. I'd say to get this for the last track but becuase Itunes won't let you you'll just have to get the whole thing. The one kilo-ton Dr Atomic isn't exactly a blast but you might find something in it after a while.

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