1 |
To God Be the Glory |
Church Pianist |
3:26 |
2 |
O God, Our Help In Ages Past |
Church Pianist |
1:46 |
3 |
Holy, Holy, Holy |
Church Pianist |
3:14 |
4 |
Breathe On Me, Breath of God |
Church Pianist |
2:08 |
5 |
Amazing Grace |
Church Pianist |
2:04 |
6 |
For the Beauty of the Earth |
Church Pianist |
1:52 |
7 |
I Need Thee Every Hour |
Church Pianist |
2:18 |
8 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns |
Church Pianist |
1:38 |
9 |
What a Friend We Have In Jesus |
Church Pianist |
1:59 |
10 |
All Hail the Power of Jesus' N |
Church Pianist |
1:59 |
11 |
Fairest Lord Jesus |
Church Pianist |
2:21 |
12 |
The Church's One Foundation |
Church Pianist |
1:48 |
13 |
Blest Be the Tie That Binds |
Church Pianist |
1:40 |
14 |
Beneath the Cross of Jesus |
Church Pianist |
2:02 |
15 |
Rock of Ages |
Church Pianist |
1:50 |
16 |
When Peace Like a River (It Is |
Church Pianist |
3:16 |
17 |
We're Marching to Zion (Come Y |
Church Pianist |
2:10 |
18 |
God Be With You Till We Meet A |
Church Pianist |
1:17 |