Hate it
By eeeeaq
The worst band in the world
Ouch partyboy
By Cebbie
Ouch partyboy on your review if “you never know”. That’s just a great song right there.
This album was very refreshing after Everyday which I thought was the worst album to date. Not bad. But just last on the list. This was a nice collection with some real great ones. Busted stuff and grey street are all time to me.
By Undoped
Crash will always be my all time favorite, but Grace is Gone will forever be my favorite song, just chilling
Great Album!
By Chingychonga
One thing I do not understand is how people leave out where are you going. It is arguably just as good as crash into me and crush. Not to mention this album also has grey street and grace is gone.
The best aside from Before These Empty streets
All these songs are great and powerful
Love it!
By Rene8221
The whole cd is great!! Big Eyed Fish is my fav!
My #1
By JV19
This came out a month or two before I started high school, it was also my first Dave record. This got me through the first half of the year, i remember walkin down the halls singing this album in my head.
The real follow-up to Before These Crowded Streets
By natedmb23
Besides Where Are You Going & You Never Know, the other 9 songs were part of The Lillywhite Sessions recorded in the studio in early 2000 and leaked on the internet shortly after Everyday was released in Feb. 2001. This album is great, the only complaint I have is that Kit Kat Jam was recorded with lyrics in the studio, but since Dave kept changing the lyrics around it was decided by whomever to just make it an instrumental on the album. It's always been performed live with lyrics (check out The Gorge version), but yet I do like the instrumental as an interlude between Grace & Ditch. The first thing that comes to mind with this album is it's a good mellow record. I would consider Grey Street, Grace is Gone and Bartender the album's key tracks.
The best!
By mom000
DMB is a sensation of love and lesson, their two best songs are in this album; "Grey Street" and "Where are you Going". Keep it rockin
Stay That Way
By BYUkid14
I don't mind it being one of the least popular albums out there. It keeps it from sounding like the commercialized junk that we hear on the radio every day. This is THE BEST DMB album ever released. Nothing even compares to anything like this. My favorite are the first four songs.