Landy for calder
By Landeskog and duchene fan$
Close my eyes for ever
I want my 1.29 back!!!
By djchuckb
The first half second of "Kiss Me Deadly" is cut off!!!
Get 'The Greatest Hits' instead!!!!
Horrible Review
By Mr.Markster
2 hit wonder? Please... ITunes doesn't even sell her best album- "Dangerous Curves"... songs like "Playing With Fire", "Larger Than Life," "Blueberry," "The Ripper," etc., are all prime examples of Lita Ford staples. ITunes should really get somebody who knows something about music to do their critiquing.
review review
By River2713
this is more a critique of the review of this albom listed on itunes. get someone who actualy knows something about the artist please, a 2 hit wonder ? including the runaways, not including live or greatest hits albums Lita has more than 10 cds, all good. what will you like best depends on your taste, her 1st 2 solo albums sound a lot like the runaways where her later stuff was much more commercial.
By Johnny3000000
it was all awsome but "close my eyes forever" was the best