bum message
By Binnewater
Hey, wanna make everything better? DON'T VOTE!
if "the man" is holding you down,give Dead Prez a dollar for this song!
By Pythagoron
these baffoons are a joke, people will always pay money to hear someone tell them how bad they got it. they trying to trickkk you into buying their ignorant songs. give Dead Prez a dollar, put you ipod on and hear about how your being held down by "the system"
By Burnin' Man
Dead Prez keeps it real, cant wait for the new album, alot of peeps are confused right now, we need DPZ!!
Cant Bamboozle Everyone
By DiøNëss.
'Its PolitricKKKs time' and DPZ bring the truth once again unlike other so called hard truth soldiers
A breath of fresh air, much needed looking forward to the new album.
Great song
By bmcvenes
Great song by Dead Prez! I agree that Obama shouldn't be president. I would like a black president but Obama isn't right. Oh and there wrong about The first black president was on the back of a 2 dollar bill. John Hanson was not black. He was the first president of the United States. But no one knew about him. He's not black though 100 years later there was a black guy named john hanson that was in a different country that helped black people get out of slavery but he was not a president. It was all a myth. Good song though.
Lyrics- 5/5
Beat- 5/5
Great track!
By Leeroy Jenkins NYC
About time DP comes back strong. Hopefully with their upcoming album they'll come back strong as in their first! RBG!
Dead Prez really delivers
By iz there any nickname that aint taken?
Great lyrics, catchy hook, sick flow, Dead Prez, what more could you want? Great song
Done it Again
By soulja sam
I see Dead Prez has still got what it takes. Amazing beat and chill inspiring lyrics
dope single
By theDZA
cant wait for information age, dead prez is always on point
By Iz1
One of the few groupsnever to sell out