Beautifully Viscerous
By It'sWellOver9000
This album is one of my favourites of the last decade, because of its "hive of metal kill you in your sleep" feel without the contrition of other, more mainstream metal bands. Buy it if you want to experience new, sonic textures that will change your entire outlook of hardcore.
Must Buy !!!
By Phil Thriller
I think the whole album rocks!!!! The drums sound HUGE. Awsome mixing and mastering as a whole. Check these guy's out live if you can.
Eyebrow Raised.
By dorkusmalorkus
First off its Neurot. Its right on the page guy! And The production fits quite well with the over all sound of the album. Not too polished.
Is this really on Nurot?
By shugazer
The recording quality of this record is terrible. The drums are flat an suashed, and the bass guitar tone is very brittle with little to no sustain in the crucial parts where it would be. Seems like the Nurot guys wouldn't let somthing like this fly. these guys do party punk rock much better.