Rockin In with Ram Dass
By r.t.+m
I just downloaded this on the rec. of a friend.
Soulful, Rhythmic, Wise words of Rememberance, Techno-like
great for Yoga, HoopDancing and tuning in to mindful meditations to carry through out day and night.
Diggin it Like 100% Cool.
Thanks for this.
Omly Love, Ram Dass beaming to you
Cosmix' Good Vibes
By justbing
I was surprised to come across a new Ram Dass CD, and so glad to learn he is thriving! I love that he did this CD with Kriece; it is a little trippy and a little chill, great for a younger audience to get a good dose of Ram Dass' loving wisdom. Kriece was skillful in making sure it didn't come out preachy. I also love the world beat accents. Some songs are great for faster-moving yoga, others great for chillin'. I also found they're also holding a video remix contest on YOUTUBE, just go there and look for the "RamDassCosMIXes" page. Namaste!
Cosmix Journey
By Rinpoche75
Cosmix is terrific if:
1. You appreciate the teachings of Ram Dass
2. You are a fan of Trance
Putting the headphones over my ears, I found that the music accentuated, quite brilliantly, the teachings that are so timeless as they are. I'm really glad Ram Dass & Kriece did this. And as a side, if you find that you are into these tunes, also check out Bhagavan Das' "Now" and Krishna Das' "Pilgrim Heart." Very satisfying all around...