We can buy the movie
By corcoran117
We can buy the movie on the computer version of I tunes,I think
By gallucci78
Why can't we buy or even rent the movie but we can buy the soundtracks?
By Angus Drummond
Okay so "You're My Brother" is about the funniest piece ever. So perfect for that scene and just a great little stab at all the horrible, overly dramatic Hollywood scores. The rest is fine, Tropic Thunder isn't really the kind of movie you need a strong score for anyways.
Good movie but...
By mslinda
The only song I wanted was "Name of the Game", by the Crystal Method. That's the song played in the end credits.
By jman1123
were is the movie
Hilarious movie, EPIC soundtrack
By . . . _ _ _ . . .
Considering how hilarious the movie was, it's counter-intuitive to think that the soundtrack would be so serious. But being someone who constantly listens to good soundtracks in movies, I was thoroughly impressed with Tropic Thunder's score. The serious music in context of the movie often added a sense of ironic humor, but apart from the movie, the soundtrack has a similar sound to scores for movies of a far more serious nature. If you liked, say, the soundtrack for the "Bourne" movies or "Black Hawk Down," I would definitely recommend giving some of these songs another listen.
Wow. Words cannot explain the hilarious movie and soundtrack.
This movie has to be the funniest movie I have ever seen! I loved the soundtrack from the crunching metal to the Eastern World tone. Also Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise were the funniest poeple. The rest of the cast did an excellent job such as Danny McBride, Ben Stiller and Jack Black.
Vote "Yes" if you agree!
I cant find a song......
By AllisonNeedles
This is a great album but I cant find the song that they played at the very begining of the credits. Please respond.
By phantomopra
i cant find the song in the end credits you no when tom cruise is dancing around
Great music that just adds to a great movie
By Folcik009
The score in Tropic Thunder, despite the movie being a knock off of itself, was very cinematic and really held in the drama. Overall, this is an excellent soundtrack that has action, drama, and variety.